

Cyber Security, IT / Digital, SaaS / Cloud Services

Paris, Boston

Meet Eric, GitGuardian's CEO. With degrees at CentraleSupelec (in applied mathematics) and at ENS (in machine learning), Eric was trained by the best data scientists in Silicon Valley.

During a school project analyzing public repositories on Github, he found a massive amount of secrets hidden into the code. That is how GitGuardian is born, to alert and protect individuals regarding their secrets.

He knows the best cocktail recipes in Paris, and doesn’t hesitate to step into the ring to let off steam !

Guillaume is the sales director at GitGuardian. After a law degree, Guillaume switched to tech sales.

Guillaume has been in the business of cloud, devops and cybersecurity sales since 2014 in various fast growing organizations. He enjoys mentoring, coaching up and coming sales reps while cultivating a strong business and technical acumen within the team !

He is a cycling and backpacking nerd enjoys doing outdoor things on the weekends and during his vacations.

Meet Carole GitGuardian's CMO. She has done all her career in the software industry and has in-depth expertise of BtoB Enterprise marketing and Developer marketing.

From a large group to start-ups she has built effective marketing strategies managing teams in Europe and in the US. She also likes to share her experience and advise on best-practices and is a member of local or international CMO groups.

Carole loves Paris cultural life, so you can count on her to give you ideas of places to visit or shows to attend!

Henri graduated from Ecole Polytechnique with a double master in Big Data.

Entering GitGuardian at early stage, he evolved as a developer and became the 1st developer dedicated to Secret Detection at GitGuardian. He is now Engineering Manager, leading several product development squads.

Henry is GitGuardian’s handyman. Thanks to his passion for woodworking and masonry, he always has tools in his bag and he is ready to help at any time!

Meet Mackenzie, developer advocate, the voice of GitGuardian! Former co-founder of a startup in New Zealand, he is passionate about technology, DevOps and cybersecurity.

Mackenzie shares his passion for code security and educates developers. He works hand in hand with research teams to raise awareness on the issue of Secrets Sprawl on GitHub and other VCS.

When visiting Paris (he lives in Amsterdam), so you can count on him for some drinks in the evening, or biking during the week-end!

Meet Edouard, GitGuardian's VP Product. He has an extended experience in Cybersecurity or Defense software industry. Thanks to his strong knowledge, he brings together Product Management and Design teams to imagine and build the future of GitGuardian's platform.

Both in Paris and in Normandie, Edouard likes these two ways of life.

Traveling and cooking are part of his preferred hobbies.

Meet Eric, Lead Product Manager at GitGuardian. Graduated in engineering at CentraleSupelec, he started as a full stack developer for 3 years.

He joined GitGuardian as the first Product Manager, to work on our internal repository monitoring product and to build the best automated secrets detection solution. Eric is known as “The Teacher”: always willing to educate new comers (tech and non tech people) about our products and industry!

Therefore he has evolved as a lead PM in 2023.


GitGuardian is a global post-series B cybersecurity startup; we've raised $56M in total (the last time by the end of 2021) with American and European investors including top-tier VC firms.

Among its early investors who saw their market value proposition, are the co-founder of GitHub, Scott Chacon, along with Solomon Hykes, co-founder of Docker.

GitGuardian develop code security solutions for the DevOps generation and is a leader in the market of secrets detection & remediation.

Their solutions are already used by hundreds of thousands of developers in all industries and GitGuardian platform is the n°1 security app on the GitHub marketplace 🔥

Among customers are some of the largest IT outsourcing companies, Fortune500 or CAC40 Enterprise accounts, publicly listed companies like Talend or tech companies like Snowflake or Datadog.

More than 80% of our customers are in the United States. Today more than ever, we have a very solid business model with a fast-growing ARR, multi-year contracts and great customer retention rates.

Good to know

  • Offices in Paris and Boston.

  • We are experiencing rapid growth (from 18 people to 150 in less than 3 years!)

  • We value diversity: we employ 20 different nationalities in 3 continents, English is the main working language, we also sponsor visas and “titres de séjour” or “passeport talent” when necessary!

  • We have a strong written culture and value asynchronous work (#Gitlab fans)

  • We love to gather around office events, monthly events, gym sessions, our three-day annual seminar and team building activities (with a dedicated team building budget per Guardian)!

  • Remote-friendly environment: both hybrid or full remote positions, depending on the team and your seniority level. We offer a home-office equipment allowance to every new comers.

  • We are pet friendly and have a couple of 4 legged team members coming regularly at the Paris office ;)

  • We train people managers with a dedicated and personalized Management Academy!

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