Data Scientist | English Native

Salaire : Non spécifié
Début : 31 août 2023
Télétravail occasionnel


Cette offre vous tente ?


Le poste

Descriptif du poste

Within the data science team, your role will revolve around the following areas

  • Creation and development of an upcoming training product 🚀

  • Mentoring and support for existing production

  • Participation in data-related events

  • Contribution to the R&D strategy of the Tech department

Profil recherché

  • Native English language skills are mandatory. Both oral and written expertise is required. French language is a plus.

  • Profile justifying significant professional experience as a Data Scientist involving skills in statistical machine learning as well as deep learning.

  • Experience in consulting (Analytics branch) or research is a plus.

  • A strong interest in pedagogy and staying up-to-date with scientific and technical developments in the field of data is essential.

Déroulement des entretiens

Usually in 3 Steps:

STEP1 Framing

STEP2 Technical Evaluation

STEP 3 Team Fit

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